"To Kill A Mockingbird" takes place in the small fictional town of Maycomb, in Alabama, during the three years of the Great Depression. Scout describes it as a 'tired old town.' later descriptions indicate that Maycomb was a slow, boring town with nothing to do. For example, Scout says about the mood of the town ' there was no hurry, for there was nowhere to go, nothing to buy and no money to buy it with, nothing to see outside the boundaries of Maycomb Country.' It is based on the town of Monroeville, Alabama.
The Finch home is on S. Alabama Avenue, being neighbours with the Haverford family and with Ms. Dubose. On the other side of the street, Miss Maudie Atkinson, Miss Stephanie Crawford, and Mr. Avery. On the corner of Oak St and Drewry Rd was the Radley house.
Scout writes that Maycomb County, "was an old town, but it was a tired old town when I first knew it."[1]
Known Residents[]
- Atticus Finch
- Scout Finch
- Jem Finch
- Calpurnia
- Miss Maudie
- Miss Stephanie
- Miss Rachel
- Dill Harris (summer)
- Mrs. Dubose (until Chapter 11)
- Mr. Nathan Radley
- Arthur "Boo" Radley
- Tom Robinson
- ↑ To Kill a Mockingbird, Chapter One